Commentary 2011
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Thomas Suddes / What's in store for the Statehouse in 2011
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette / Born faces rough road restoring Patrol's integrity
Link to Commentary 2010
January Commentary
Cleveland PD / Good suggestions on Ohio's budget
Cleveland PD / The imprint the Ohio governor leaves on the state
New York Times / Union workers targets of outrage 
Columbus Dispatch / Big Job
Cincinnati Enquirer / With merger talk, clarity in deputy incident vital
Columbus Dispatch / Labor Pains
Columbus Dispatch / Editorial was off on public sector pay
Washington Examiner / Time to get real about public sector pensions
Columbus Dispatch / Dangerous calling
Joe Hallett / Democrats will need to learn to get along without unions
Columbus Dispatch / Starving for attention
Dayton DN's / Pension rules can change, still be fair
Wheeling Intelligencer / Keep Ohio pension programs solvent
George Will / Kasich's performance to have national repercussions
Thomas Suddes / GOP must move forward
Joe Hallett / Unions, General Assembly need to find common ground
Cleveland PD / Public-sector unions create cost savings
Thomas Suddes / GOP must move forward
Columbus Dispatch / CB bill should restore efficicieny
Akron BJ / Bargaining Power
Columbus Dispatch / Teaching profession will lose it's appeal
Kevin O'Brien / Reminding public employees who works for whom
February Commentary
Columbus Dispatch / Killing collective bargaining will carry a high price
Cleveland PD / Repair collective bargaining law
Columbus Dispatch / Sick leave in Ohio has no effect in Chicago
Dayton DN's / Kasich needs fair, workable balance
Ellen Belcher / Ohio, it's unions have long been in denial
Phillip Morris / Does Ohio hope to save itself, making unions the enemy
Thomas Stephens / Bargaining fight all about politics
George Will / Democrats, indeed, the party of government
Richard Vedder / Right-to-work would be good for Ohio's economy
Columbus Dispatch / Sad spectacle
Akron BJ / Flexible response
Columbus Dispatch / Apples to apples
Kevin O'Brien / Toughen up, Ohio Republicans
Dayton DN's / GOP, unions tangle for public support
Maria Maisto / Going to school on SB 5
Thomas Suddes / There's no stopping the union taming bill
Joseph Slater / Public employees should be able to bargain
Matt Mayer / Public-sector workers not meant for unions
Senator Kevin Bacon / SB 5 hearings fair to all
Charles Krauthammer / Wisonsin is leading a wake-up call
Washington Post / CB rights at the heart of the battle
Chicago Tribune / How public employees got scammed
Columbus Dispatch / Unreasonable request
Columbus Dispatch / Unused sick days should not be a "jackpot"
March Commentary
Columbus Dispatch / Merging  agencies could improve governance
Columbus Dispatch / Ohio should find a stable funding source for the  State Highway Patrol
Cleveland PD / Title fee; subtitle, Tax
Dayton DN's / Some critics not out to kill CB bill
Vindicator / CB issue will keep boiling
Ellen Belcher / Voters may have to pick, labor or management
Matthew Beery / Usual suspects to blame for SB 5
Joe Hallett / How much pain?  We'll know soon
Thomas Suddes / A tough Ohio budget
Columbus Dispatch / SB 5: Taxpayer benefit?
Michael Douglas / Governor without a mandate
Cleveland PD / Kasich is hazy, but energetic
Barry Goldman / Government in the crosshairs
Hugh Quill / SB 5: More bang for health care buck
Mark Kovac / More to come on CB reform
Columbus Dispatch / Sharing the pain
Michael Douglas / Tale of two senators
Toledo Blade / Kasich's budget
Uniform workers' pensions strain government
"It's the nature of the service"
USA Today Editorial
Columbus Dispatch / Test of leadership
Cleveland PD / Feats of fiscal daring
Kevin O'Brien / An honest budget, like it or not
Steve Hoffman / Kill the bill but get a vision, too
Dayton DN's / Lower test scores was least, worst option
Dayton DN 's / Kasich makes tough job tougher
Toledo Blade / Kasich's budget lacks a balanced approach
Michael Douglas / Is team Kasich fiscally correct?
Joe Hallet / Walking the line between bold and bumbling
Linda Chavez / Kasich is certain to raise poll numbers
Dayton DN's / State can't be bully in talks about prison
Steve Hoffman / Swing time in the swing state
Kevin O'Brien / Like it or not, your entitled
Akron BJ / Sales plan would generate few dollars
Harold Jackson / Democrats must play labor issue right
Columbus Dispatch / Going to voters a bad idea
Akron BJ / What would Ohio do?
Kevin O'Brien / The price for unwise government
Toledo Blade / Dubious battle
Akron BJ / They runneth over
Steve Hoffman / From "kill the bill" to compromise
Toledo Blade / The UAW's future
Connie Schultz / Kasich breaking unions, pledges, hearts
Cleveland PD / A long hard fight awaits SB 5
Columbus Dispatch / Fiscal reality underlies SB 5
David Kushma / False choice on labor law vote
April Commentary
Toledo Blade / Invisible victims
April 4, 2011 - Senator Bill Seitz talks to WLW radio about SB 5.  

Click photo to hear podcast
Kevin O'Brien / SB 5 is a start worth fighting for
Columbus Dispatch / A positive trend
Joe Hallett / Forces agains SB 5 have passion
Martin Gottlieb / Does Ohio need recall elections?
Thomas Suddes / Crystal ball is hazy on SB 5 referendum
Toledo Blade / Turnpike turnover
Columbus Dispatch / Enough already
Columbus Dispatch / Restoring balance
Brent Larkin / Hunker down Ohio: SB 5 storm is coming
Toledo Blade / Concealed carry cavalcade
Cleveland PD / House should shoot down guns in bars 
Columbus Dispatch / State should pursue OACP for junkets
Bill Cunningham interviews Governor Kasich in the studio
April 14, 2011
Akron BJ / Private doubts
Columbus Dispatch / Out of balance

Trooper Shield Update / April 7, 2011 from Old Guard Productions on Vimeo.

Steve Hoffman / All sticks and no carrots
Joe Oritz / Fitness perk for Califonia prison guards
Columbus Dispatch / Teachers' raises go unnoticed
Akron BJ / Pay for performance; how will that work?
Joe Hallett / He's unpopular, but Kasich stays the course
Thomsa Suddes / Visible, voluble, and a bit vulnerable
Gary Beckner / Ohio union exploits teachers
Brent Larkin / Guns in bars would be an outrage
Steve Hoffman / Battle of the budget issues
Kevin O'Brien / Logic flattens the unions' dire fables
Columbus Dispatch / Lawmakers need to reform  pensions
Marc Kovac / Is the Statehouse unsafe?
Columbus Dispatch / Ohio put on sustainable path
Karen Carraher / Pension system heeds the call for reform
Matt Mayer / Public pensions must move to 401(k) plans
Brian Frederick / Guns-in-stadium ludicrous
Bill Winegarner / Defined benefit programs are better
Joe Hallett / Guns bill will provide ammo for Democrats
May Commentary
Columbus Dispatch / Restore common sense
Cleveland PD / Gun-toting foolishness
Canton Repository / Speak up now on OTP
Toledo Blade / What the people want
Lisa Morris / SERS proud of fiscal health
Akron BJ / Prisoners of an idea
Akron BJ / McKenney's compromise shot down
Columbus Dispatch / Police video should be released
Aaron Marshall / Was it really $8 billion?
Jeff Graves / Fear-mongering at heart of "CC" debate
Pam Hall / A positive spin on prison privatization
Jeff Garvas / Guns in bars? Not really
Advertiser-Tribune / Plate debate overlooks something
Martin Gottlieb / Public opinion on unions a surprise
Joe Hallett / Slow down push to privatize
June Commentary
Thomas Suddes / Budget likely will have few fingerprints
Toledo Blade / Keep front license plate
Martin Gottlieb / Legislators pay cuts not the issue
Columbus Dispatch / Governor should veto "guns-in-bars"
Joe Hallett / By 2014, Strickland ready to leave public office
Thomas Suddes / Don't think lawmakers are underpaid
Dayton DN's / There is a better way to pay teachers
Dayton DN's / Disability pension rules need reform
Thomas Suddes / Republicans are off the rails
Gary Suhadolnik / Consider consequences of leasing the OTP
Michael Douglas / Private thoughts at the Statehouse
Phillip Morris  / Taxpayers should not pay salaries of  officials
Cleveland PD / Better evidence management needed at CPD
Columbus Dispatch / Meet in the middle on pension reform
Brent Larkin / Cut losses by cutting deal on SB 5
Joe Hallett / Republican agenda will face voter verdict
Cleveland PD / Let the SB 5 referendum games begin
Canton Repository / Winner-take-all politics win again