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February 21, 2019 - Pension News - Summaries of the most recent OSHPRS Board meetings are now being provided to the membership.  To access the summary, link to the Retirement System's web page , log into your account and click on "Board Meeting Updates".  During the February 21st meeting, the strategic plan was updated and GRS Retirement Consulting provided an overview of their most recent actuarial report and its potential impact on future COLA and active member contribution rates.  

Retirees' Association Members and STO Patrons,

Effective communication is critical to the success of any public service group. The often used but currently absent Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System Online Directory is absolutely critical to the success of the Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirees' Association and the State Troopers of Ohio, Inc. You were recently mailed a release form to allow the continuance of your contact information to be published on this password protected directory. Please take the time to complete this form and return it by mail to the OSHPRS.  

As has always been the case, only fellow uniform retirees and a limited number of administrative personnel from the Division can access this directory. As the website and membership manager for the Retirees’ Association, we access this directory almost on a daily basis to reach out to our members in distress or for some other concern. Please take the time to complete and return this form. Contact me with any questions or concerns: 419-937-7980 or [email protected]. Thank you for your support and membership!

Colonel Richard Collins, Retired
Website Manager / Memberships
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